Storeware is easy to Use JavaFX based Application with beautiful User Interfaces & easy to navigate across different functionalities. Makes User feel comfortable.
Storeware is an management information system (MIS) for Retails who want to keep track of there profit and stock levels without the need of complex setups.
Stock Management
Invoice Management
Tracking Credit invoices
Vendor Management
Vendor Payment Management
Purchase Order Management
Product Type with categories
Unit of Measurement Based Item Management
Reporting Module (Customer, Purchases and Stock Reports)
Bill Printing
Roll Paper Receipt
Barcode Generation and Printing(Barcode labels)
Manage Purchase Order(s)
Storeware is all in one solution for small, medium and large retailers and store keepers. Recommended for owners and shop keepers who want to maintain there stock effeciently, perform sales quickly with bar code reader and save cost by using thermal printer. It provide fast sales and cash counter management with the help of barcode scanner
It provides you the ability to manage different item types with price. It then allows you to add purchases against those item types. It provides full vendor and contractor management.
Platform Independent
Easy To Use
JavaFX based Application with beautiful User Interfaces & easy to navigate across different functionalities. Makes User feel comfortable.
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